World's first offline-style digital grading app
Teacher tool for grading
Grade paper-based assignments, digital assignments, leave personalized comments, track student progress, all on one platform
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With AI Automation
stand out in the digital classroom,
grade with precision
Grade and organize student homework submissions.
Streamline the grading process for exam test papers
Effortlessly mark and manage student assignments.
Seamless Grading
Anytime, Anywhere
Save time on grading, access from any digital device.
Open appKey FeaturesTechnology that adapts
Technology that adapts
to teachers
AI handwriting recognition
Teacher handwritten Tpen strokes are instantly recognized by our AI
Calculate marks in a click
Automating mark calculation for each student answer submission
Effortless user experience
Save time on grading, access from any digital device.
Compatible with digital stylus
Save time on grading, access from any digital device.
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